Saturday 9 July 2011

               HOME  VAASTU  SHASTRA      (ENGLISH)             

Vaastu is Authentic

Vaastu Shastra

Vaastu defines our life in a natural way. It carries us through all distresses and provides solution to all maladies in nature. It controls our behavior through some certain rules and regulates our life.


Actually the nature around us is called Vaastu which denotes something like a ‘shelter’ and Shastra is meant for the system. So ‘Vastu Shastra’ reflects a system of shelter. Vastu Shastra is an ancient science which sustains peace and harmony between man and nature. Thus ‘Vaastu’ shows us a way to all prosperity and pleasure.

The Five elements:

Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth are five natural elements known as ‘Mahabhutas’. Each element of ‘Vaastu’ expresses certain rules which make life easy to live. Each element depends on one another and leads us a happy and prosperous life. There must be all five elements in a home to avoid any sufferings in life.

Here are given all the five in detail.
1. Space
Space provides medium to the rest four elements. It relates to the sense of sound in humans, so there should be pleasant sound and calm space at home. It controls the North-East direction of a building. Thus, this direction is the best area for ‘Peace, Meditation and Yoga’
2. Air
Air provides the basis for ‘Agni’ as it feeds to the ‘Fire’. We can only feel the existence of air in life. Fresh air provides us a long life. The North-West direction is considered the best for the air.
3. Fire
Fire (Agni) is a symbol of strength in life. The fire governs the South- East location of the building and hence it is the best location for kitchen. ‘Agni’ affects the digestive system of the body so the food should be cooked in the South-East location which ensures good health. A building on triangular plot should be avoided because it calls upon an undesirable fire.
4. Water

Water element is closely related to the sense of smell. It represents reflective surfaces. The North-West is good location for bathroom or guestroom; since these places are used frequently by many people who do no not stay there for long periods.
5. Earth

The Earth provides basis for three elements - Water, Fire and Air. It also represents the sense of smell. Pleasing aromas should be present in abundance in a home. 

The South-West location of the house is governed by the Earth. This location is the best place in a room to place any bulky furniture.

According to Vaastu Shastra if we worship Gods, they will shower their blessings on us in eight directions.
1. Ishwar (North-East) – He grants us wisdom and power and takes away all sufferings.

2. Indra (East) - He gives wealth and prosperity in life.

3. Agni (South-East) - He provides us beautiful persona and excellence.

4. Yama (South) - He is god of death who is incarnation of ‘Dharma’. He gets us rid of all evils and grants all good things.

5. Nissan (South-West) - He disappears to fear about the enemies.

6. Varun (West) - He is god of rain who showers his blessings and brings prosperity and pleasure in life.

7. Vayu (North-West) - He donates us long life, health and strength.

8. Kuber (North) - He is god of wealth who grants us wealth and comfort in life.

Search for Shapes:

When people want to construct a home or any building, they spend time in search of Vaastu for foundation, superstructure, appearance etc. A home complete in all respects of Vaastu brings them prosperity, power, wisdom and happiness and shows the way to success in life.

A few directions and shapes which affect life in daily routine are given below.

1. Shape of plot: Square or rectangular shapes are preferred.

2. Water bodies: Water bodies like bathroom and water tanks are considered well in the North or East.

3. Obstruction – Any obstruction like big trees, open well, pillars and posts must be avoided in construction.

4. Ideal site –The house should be constructed in a square or rectangular plot.

"L" shape of plots is not suitable for house because the occupants will be missing opportunities.

There is an invisible and constant relation between all the five elements. Thus the man can improve his conditions by designing his buildings properly, by understanding the effectiveness of these five natural forces.

Vaastu is a science of energy. There are different forms of energies. These forms have various effects on human body. The two types of energy are following.
Beneficial Energy
Evil Energy

Vaastu is helpful in reducing the effect of evil energy over the good energy.

Vaastu advises regarding the size and orientation of a structure with respect to the plot, soil, length, breadth and the surroundings. It tells about places and directs the proportions of every detail in building.

Vaastu – A Superstition

A beautiful home all of a sudden becomes unsuitable to live - in because principles of vaastu are not applied to its construction. Why so much importance is given to this ancient science in this modern world of technological know how. Most of us think how superstitious are even some very literate people are to just vaguely follow a so called vaastu expert & change the complete scenario of their living.

Let’s try to know the real science behind this superstition.

Vaastu Shastra , the ancient Indian Architecture Study emphasizes on the basic principles of universal or solar energy , magnetic field of earth & the wind directions.
For instance , a vaastu expert says to sleep facing south or east , now why should one change the complete bed position & in some cases the entire ambience of one’s bedroom for this. The reason – earth has a magnetic field moving from North to South , Human beings also have the same magnetic field moving in the same direction. Now while we sleep facing North our body’s magnetic field would repel with that of Earth’s , & you are not Einstein to guess who is stronger Earth or You, thereby weakening our body strength, creating hormonal imbalances, depressions, pains & aches. Instead if we sleep facing south , it would just be opposite, our body’s magnetic field would attract with that of earth’s creating a harmony.

Sleeping facing east is second best as then we are sleeping in cordinance with the solar energy.

So this was just one truth behind various misunderstanding about vaastu.

Try applying it & you will automatically create a happy living atmosphere for yourself.

Vaastu for Plot

Building a dream home needs vigilant considerations and apart from the good architectural design and construction techniques, the location of the plot affects the energy of the residents through out life.

It is advisable to follow vastu guidelines while selecting a plot to make sure that the place becomes a healthful, energetic, cheerful and prosperous residence we all deserve.
1. Location of the Plot

2. Direction of the Plot

3. Shape of Plot

4. Color of the Soil

5. Adjoining Roads


Location of the Plot according to Vastu

The following considerations are useful for location.

• The site having fertile earth, fruit trees, flowering plants, grass is good for construction.

• The site without any source of ground water should be avoided.

• The site near temple ashram, school, college, hospital, graveyard, Garbage dump site should be avoided.

• If the plot is small, there should be no big tree like Mango, Banana etc.

• If the plot is big, building area should be far away from the tree.


Direction of the Plot according to Vastu

The East and North facing plots are appropriate for house construction. Care should be taken while designing the house facing West and South direction because some directions have positive impacts while the other have negative on occupants of the house. For example if the kitchen is in South-East, there are always good results on health. But if the kitchen is in North-East, the health is affected adversely.

Shape of Plot according to Vastu
Shape of plot matters a lot in the selection of land. The following are some shapes of the plots.

• The plot should be of square or rectangular shape. Ratio of width and length should not be more than 1:2 in rectangular plot. The square plot is the best.

• Plots having triangular, round shape, hexagon, octagon or polygon shapes should be avoided because these are not good for construction.

• Plots having an extended NE (North-East) corner is lucky.

Gomukhi Plot is good for house construction. The plot

narrow at front and wide at the back is also called low pressure plot. However, it is advisable to consult a vastu expert before finalizing the decision.

 Singhmukhi Plot is not suitable for residential

 purposes. Such a plot is wide at the front as compared to the back. It may be used for commercial activites . It is suitable for the residence facing the roads in eastern or northern side. Such a plot is also called high pressure plot. But it is advisable to consult a vastu expert before finalizing the decision.

Color of the Soil
Color of the soil is another important aspect which should not be avoided at the time of purchasing the plot. The following colors of soil are considered better for construction purposes.

1. Red

2. Yellow

3. White

4. Black

Red soil is suitable for executives who are engaged in administrative and legal services. These executives are usually employees of Government, armed forces or administration.

Yellow and Green is considered by shareholders, businessmen, bankers and by those who are directly related to commercial activities.

Usually White soil is preferable for intellectual professionals like doctors, engineers, teachers, poets, musicians, consultants etc.

Note: Black and clay soil is not good for construction.

Adjoining Roads
A plot adjoining roads at any of the four sides affects the life of family members. The affects of such a plot are given below.

Plot Having One Road
Roads From East  Results Good, Prosperous and Wealthy 
Roads From West  Results Average, Good for Business People 
Roads From North  Results  Good for Women , Prosperous & Wealthy 
Roads From  South  Results  Good for Business Concern  

Plot Having Two Roads

Roads From  North East  Results Very Good
Roads From East  and south results   Good                                                           
Roads FromSouth And West  Results  Average
Roads From West And North Results
Roads From  North and South  Results Average
Roads From East and West  Results
Plot Having Roads on Three Sides

The plot facing roads from three sides is an average plot. It can be improved by leaving a passage at fourth side.

Plot Having Roads on All Sides:

The Plot having road on all side is best plot.

Plot Facing T-Junction

The Plot facing T or Y-Junction is not suitable for construction. It is inauspicious.
Plot at the Dead End of the Road
The plot is not appropriate for construction. It can be improved by extending the road up to the width of plot.
Plot at the dead end of Road
Extending the road upto the plot width

East Facing Plot

A north-east facing plot is best for all type of constructions, whether a house or a business establishment. However, due care must be taken while deciding the construction of the interiors, i.e. rooms and placement of furniture etc. Road
The road on the east side should be lower than the plot and the slope while constructing from south towards the east direction i.e. from the rear of the house towards the front.

Open Space

Open space in the front of the house should be more in comparison to the back side i.e. more in east than in the south-west.


The main entrance gate to the house should in the northern half of the front. It brings peace in the house. The gate in design should not be in arc shape i.e. higher in the middle in comparison to the sides.

North - East of the plot should be the lower in construction in comparison to the south-west ,the floor levels as well as the top roof/terrace levels of the house. 
Boundary Wall
The front wall for a east facing house should be lower than the back wall. The east wall may be constructed at the end of the construction, i.e. after constructing the house. The boundary wall in south-west portion should be wider than walls in the north-east.
Water Storage/Sump

Never construct the water storage tank in the back/rear portion of the house. It can be in the either in the eastern part or the northern, but not in the center portion in the front/eastern wall .


Bathrooms can be constructed in the south-east or south-west portion of the house. Even north-east.  


The main door to the house can be in the north-east or mid-east portion of the house   door should never be in the south-east of the house.


Balconies should be in the north-east of the house and never in the south as rays of the morning are beneficial. If any verandahs are constructed in the south-west portion
comparatively bigger verandahs must be provided in the north-east direction.

The master bedroom should be constructed in the south-west of the house, should never sleep with head towards the north as this might result in sleeplessness
Pooja Room
Pooja room should be in the north-east of the house. One's face should be towards the east
window in the north-east wall is beneficial. And the ceiling of the pooja room should be lower.
The stairs should be constructed in the south, west, or south-west portion of the house, and clockwise if turning.
The kitchen should be in the south-east of the house. The lady of the house should face north-west. Fridge should be in the north-west of the kitchen or South-East.
More construction should be done in the back portion the house in comparison to the front portion. A terrace in the north-east portion is beneficial.
Septic Tank
Septic tank can be constructed in the mid-north or mid east.
No tall trees should be planted in the north-east, however south-west can be used for plantation.
north east is beneficial. If you like to keep a fountain, it can be installed in the north.
Overhead Tank
Overhead tank should be in the south portion of the house, and must be raised a few inches.angles. If the position of water tank is changed from this direction, it may cause adverse effect on health.


  North-east of basement should be kept light, big and heavy things should not be placed there. Northwest of basement should be lighter than south-east. Heavy material should be kept in south, south-west and west direction.  

Vastu for Construction of House
As you have bought a plot for your dream home, Vastu provides principles for construction of house. By following these principles, you can make an inauspicious plot auspicious. At first make a plan on paper regarding layout of building, excavation, foundation concrete, brick work, doors and windows frame etc

Before starting construction, the land should be cleared of thorny plants, bushes, stones, holes in the ground. The trash should be removed from construction site. Construction should be done constantly, that is, there is no break in construction work. Daytime is good for construction work, avoid it in the night. Compound walls should be built before construction of house. Here are given principles for right construction of the house.
Construction Material: Only new material should be used for building. Old material which is not durable should not be used for new construction as generally old bricks, doors; steel bars and plumbing material are used in new construction. Wood taken from thorny trees should not be used. As per Vastu rules same material should be used for doors and their frames that is iron doors are made of iron frames rather that wooden frames and wooden doors are made of wooden frames instead of iron frames.
 Storage of Material: Store room is necessary at construction site for storing materials like cement bags. Storage makes the room heavy so it should be in southwest, south or west direction.
Excavation: As per Vastu, excavation of land should commence from northeast corner and proceed towards the East, North, South and then West direction.
Water Sump: Water source in the plot is auspicious in northeast, north or east directions as northeast is place of water. Avoid it in southwest, southeast and northwest directions. Water sump in the middle of house is inauspicious. 
Laying Foundation:
Foundation work should start from southwest corner and proceed towards northwest and southeast and then from southeast and northwest to northeast.

 Entrance Door:
Entrance door should be in positive direction and far away from corners. Positive directions are North, Northeast, and East in East and North facing plot, Southeast and South in South facing plot, West and Northwest in West facing plot. There should be one or maximum two entrance doors in a house.

General Tips for
House Construction

There should be open space in the northeast of the house. There is more open space in the North and East than South and West.

Master bedroom should be in the Southwest of the house.


Kitchen should be in the Southeast of the house. Alternate location is the Northwest.

Pooja Room should be built in the Northeast of the house.


Toilet should be in the West or Northwest and bathroom can be in the Northeast, North, East or Northwest of the house.


Basement can be in northern or eastern portion of the house.


The paint of light color is auspicious as per Vastu. Avoid red and black color in house.

Vastu for Living Room (Drawing room)

  According to Vastu Shastra living room or drawing room should be located in east or north direction. The ideal location of a living room depends on plot facing. The living room can be in northeast direction for east and north facing house. The living room can be in northwest for west facing house. In south facing house, living room can be in southeast.
Where to Place Furniture as per Vastu

The furniture should be placed in west or south direction. The furniture such as showcase or heavy articles etc. should be in south or west direction. It should be rectangular or square, not in oval, circular or odd shape.
Television, A.C and Telephone Place according to Vastu

T.V. should be placed in southeast direction. Living room vastu opposes to place T.V. in north-east or south-west corner.

Cooler or A.C should be placed in west or north direction. Avoid A.C or Cooler in southeast and northwest. Telephone should be placed in East, North or south-east. It should not be in south-west or the north-west corners.
Aquarium Placement as per Vastu Directions

Aquariums are beneficial to place in the North, East and North-East of living room. The faults related to north-west corner can be corrected by putting an aquarium. Avoid aquarium in south direction as it draws out positive energies from house.
Painting and Pictures according to Vastu

The use of painting can create a pleasant environment in the room. Painting of waterfall, rising sun provides positive energy. Avoid paintings that symbolize death, violence and negative aspects of life.

Vastu Color Scheme

The color of wall in living room should be white, yellow, blue or green. Prefer light color over dark colors. Avoid black and red color in living room.
Vastu and Lighting

Lighting of living room should be bright. If chandelier is in living room, it should be slightly towards west, not at the centre of the room.

Vastu for Doors and Windows

The door of living room should be in east or north direction because doors are very auspicious in these directions. There should not be a photograph of any God in living room or at entrance door. Windows in east and north are beneficial.

Vastu Tips for Living Room  


The East and North are best directions for living room.

The furniture should be square or rectangular.

Air-conditioner or cooler should be placed in West direction, not in South-east.

Portraits of women, animals, birds, scene of war should never be displayed in living room.

The sitting arrangement for the head of family should be in East or North direction.
A painting showing depression should not be placed on a wall.

Vastu Shastra for Kitchen   

Kitchen vastu

According to vastu shastra health and prosperity of the family is highly depends upon the kitchen arrangement. More the pleasant, welcoming and efficient your kitchen, more healthier & prosperous you are. If you would like to enhance the power of your kitchen, take a look at following suggestions:-

Fire, an important element of vastu should be placed at the south east corner of the kitchen. Second best option available is at North west direction . Placement of stove is a great thing according to the vastu shastra.

In some duplex houses, there is a bedroom above the kitchen. It is quite probable that the bed is just located above the stove. This is not a good arrangment. You should either reposition the bed or the stove. Also check for the toilet on the upper level. It should not be located directly on top of the fire.

It is important that your plumbing is working properly. Dripping tap or leaking pipes symbolizes that wealth is being drained from your life.

You should use the colours like green, lemon yellow & orange which are very supportive colours to fire. Avoid using black, grey and blue in the kitchen.

Toilet door just opposite the kitchen is considered unfavorable placement. You can either reposition the door or install an automatic door closer.

Keep distance of one feet between fire and water, both the element i.e. fire and water are having a clash, causing family members to have disagreements resulting in to stress.

Prayer or Pooja room – Vastu blessing

One of the important area in any home is a zone of tranquility, a prayer or meditation area. According to vastu, North east corner zone is best suitable for the prayer room or home temple. This is a place that brings us closer to a our Creator. It can be considered lifting one’s mind and heart to God.

Here we can talk to God about the everyday things of human life, about our joys and sorrows, our needs and wants, our disappointments and pleasures. Prayer and how an individual prays is often shaped by religious beliefs. But one does not have to belong to a specific religion to pray. Prayer offers us an opportunity to commune with our Creator, draw on the revitalizing power of the Word of God, and to contemplate and more deeply appreciate our lives.

 Tranquility zone is a means of helping people attain inner peace in this crowded and busy world. It works by creating an atmosphere in which mind, body and spirit are soothed and made tranquil.
Best time for prayer can be at every early morning or evening , a thank you for a good day, for warmth of the sun, for love of friends who support and assist us even on our bad or difficult days.

This is a space where human-made problems are left behind like a wet umbrella at the door.

If you do not have the space to allocate an entire room for pooja, you can set up a small temple on the east wall of North-east zone of the house.

Important things about prayer room
Deity or image of god should positioned in such a way that you face east while praying the god. West is the second best location.

Place water in the copper pot at north east direction of the prayer zone. Change this water daily.

Light or diya can be placed in the south east corner.

Photographs (pictures) of the dead/ancestors should not be kept in the prayer room.

Keep this room neat, clean and clutter free.

This room should be strictly used for prayer and meditation.

 Due to shortage of space, some house have small wall temple kept in bed room or kitchen. Small curtain should be placed in front of it when not in use.
Temple should not share the wall of toilet of the house.

Female member should avoid using prayer room during mentstrual period.

Children Room Vastu Tips
According to Vastu, keeping everything in positive direction in children’s room results in creative thinking and good health because this room is the hub of fun and joy where children spend most of their time. Your child can grow in such atmosphere and lives a happy and prosperous life.

Vastu Shastra recommends west direction for children's room. The location of bed should be in south-west portion whereas the head should be in south or east direction. The door of the room should not be exactly opposite to the bed. The furniture should not be placed at the centre of the room.


 The location of bed in children’s room is south-west corner. The furniture should be few inches away from the walls. Almirahs and cabinets should be located in south or west direction.

TV and Computer:

 Computer and TV should not be placed in children’s room. If it’s necessary, it’s recommended to place TV in south-east corner and computer in north diection of the room.

Study Table:

 If study table is placed in bedroom, it should be in such direction that child could face east, north and north-east while studying. Thus placed table boosts both memory and concentration and invites new ideas. The books should always be kept in south-west, south or west as lots of books and papers in study room create clutter and mental pressure.


 Use up-lighters at south-east corner in children’s room as it is good for health and generates positive energy. Never use sharp lights and spot lights as it creates mental strain.

Color Scheme:

 Color affects mood and every aspect of life. Green color is ideally recommended for children’s room as it gives freshness, peace and increases brain power.

Doors and Windows: The door of children room should be in the East or the North. Windows in the East and North of the room are beneficial.

Vastu Tips for Children Room

The west is best direction for kids' room. Girl's room can be in northwest direction whereas boy’s room can be in northern or eastern part of the house.

The door of children’s bedroom should in the North or East. It should have one shutter only.

There is no harm in having small window in west as compared to the one in east or north direction. The window should be opposite to the door.

Avoid study table, T.V, computer and mirror in children's bedroom.

Study Room Vastu

The right place is very important for study as it affects the concentration of students. Many times students complain that they are not able to concentrate on studies. The remedy to these problems has been formulated by our ancestors through ‘Vastu Shastra’.  

Here are few vastu tips which can help students to achieve success in their studies.

The study room should be located in the directions which are considered auspicious for studies such as East, North or north-east of the house. As per Vastu, these directions improve the power of concentration while studying. Make sure that there is no mirror reflection in their room. This may have effect of doubling their work load. Make sure that the student does not study under a beam otherwise he or she feels unnecessary pressure.

Locate Study Table according to Vastu

The placement of study table is important for concentration. You should place study table facing East or North. Do make sure that the child should face East or North while studying. The table should not stick to the wall. There should be open space in front of child as it augments fresh ideas. The child should have a solid wall behind him as it signifies support.

The study table should be square or rectangular as per vastu, it should not be too big or too small. A table of small size can be uncomfortable while working and a table of big size can affect working capacity of the child.

Placement of Bookshelves as per Vastu

Bookshelves and cabinets should be placed in the East, North, and North-east directions. The cabinets should not be placed in the center of room. It is best to leave central portion of study room empty. Avoid placing bookshelf above study table. It may create unnecessary stress for child. Study table should not be cluttered with lots of books.

Color scheme as per Vastu

The walls of study room should be painted in light colors rather than dark colors. Light colors are very auspicious according to vastu and enhance learning power of students. Avoid black color in study room.

Proper Lighting

The study room should have proper light. Dim lights are not favorable for child’s education and growth. Sunlight gives us energy for doing work so the windows of study room should be in East and North of the room. A table lamp is another source of proper light which helps in concentrating on the task. If the child is using table lamp, it should be placed in south-east of the table.

Vastu Tips to Create an Effective Enviornment in Study Room
The room to be chosen for study should be in the East , North or the North-East direction of the house. These directions improve the absorption power.

Ensure that your child sleeps with his head towards East or South. The head towards east helps in learning whereas the head towards south helps in maintaining magnetic balance of the body or earth. Avoid bed in study room as it may make child lazy.

Avoid television in study room because it interrupts concentration of students.

Place computer in south-east of the room.

Make the room noiseless. The study room should not have any noisy toilet on the floor above or below the room.

Do not let the child study under a beam.

Make study room clean, clutter free and noise free.

Vastu Shastra for Staircase

Vastu verifies to locate staircase of the building in the South or West direction. Staircase is a heavy structure; hence it should be located in negative zones like the South or the West. The staircase in northern or eastern part of house may give adverse effects. The stairs should rise from the East to West or from the North to South. The staircase should not be in the center of the house. Avoid staircase in northeast direction also.

Here are some Do’s and Don’ts for functional staircase.


Make staircase of the house in southern or western part of the house as these directions are heavy.

Build staircase in southeast in east, northwest in north, southwest in west and southwest in south if the staircase is external.

Arise the stairs from the East to West or from the North to South and a turn can be taken to any other side due to paucity of space.

  Make the number of stairs odd. It should not end with zero. The number of risers should be such odd numbers that if divided by 3, the remainder is always 2.
Paint staircase in light colors. Avoid red and black color.
Repair broken stairs immediately otherwise it may cause accidents or mental tension due to clashes.


Avoid staircase in northeast of the house and in center of the house as it will cause loss of wealth. The staircase in any other corner reduces loss.

Do not make staircase circular as it may cause ill effects on health.

Do not build any room such as kitchen, bathroom and ‘Pooja’ room under staircase. However it can be used for storage.   
Do not use common staircase for going upstairs and basement.

Vastu Tips for Doors and Windows

The doors and windows are essential furnishing articles of the house. These are used for insulation purposes. They provide comfort in working at the house. The following are important points that one should consider before designing the doors and windows.

Maximum number of doors and windows should open in the North and East as compared to the South and West.

The doors and windows should be in even numbers like 2, 4, 6, 8 etc. but not 10 and multiple of 8.

The main door of house should be taller than other doors. It should be of two shutters.

There should not be any obstruction in front of main door like big trees; pole etc. There should not be any temple opposite to the house too.

The doors should not be placed in center of the wall. It should be far from the centre. It should not be in extreme corner.

For doors and windows one type of wood should be used. Teak wood is the best option for doors and windows.

The doors and windows should be rectangular. The doors having irregular or square shapes are not auspicious.

The doors should not close automatically; it may affect the health of children.

The doors should not be over size or under sized. Its size should be of ratio 2:1 in regard to height and width.

If the door is making noise while moving, it should be repaired otherwise it can cause quarrel.

There should not be cracked door in a house. It should be replaced as soon as possible.

The entrance door should be well decorated with pictures and decorative pieces.

 The main entrance door of two houses opposite to each other should not be opened towards to each other.  
If there is more than one floor in a building, one door over another door should be avoided.

 Note: Any picture of God should not be hanged at outer side of the door.

Vastu Guidelines for Basement 

  The construction of basement has become the need of time due to limited space available for residence. Though a vacant space under the house is not considered auspicious according to Vastu, yet some points are considered while constructing a basement.
Vastu says to build basement in northern or eastern portion of the house. It is necessary to keep more vacant space in the North and East than in the south and west. Keeping this in view, the basement in north and east direction is beneficial. Ideally, basement should not be built under entire house.

Basement should not be used for residential purpose. It can be used as store room and office. The interior of basement should follow principles of Vastu. Vastu says that more space should be vacant in northern and eastern portion of the basement. Place heavy equipments in southern and western side. An odd shaped basement causes loss in business, diseases and hinders the flow of energy to the owner. Rectangular and square shapes are auspicious for basement.

Some people use basement as storage tank of water. Storage of water in basement would always be auspicious in north-east, north-west and at eastern and northern angles. If the position of water tank is changed from this direction, it may cause adverse effect on health.

North-east of basement should be kept light, big and heavy things should not be placed there. Northwest of basement should be lighter than south-east. Heavy material should be kept in south, south-west and west direction.

Vastu Tips for Plants and Trees

Vastu Shastra being an ancient science deals in residential buildings, factories and industries. Vastu can be applied on flowers and plants in the house.

The plants play significant role in activating positive energy to our day to day life. Here is what Vastu says about plants.

Tulsi or Basil plant is most powerful and auspicious plant. The plant should be located in the North, East and North-east of the house. Tulsi can be grown at the front or the back of the house.

Banyan and Peepel tree are sacred trees so they should be planted near temple or sacred place.

The trees should not be planted in front of the entrance of house.

Big trees can be planted in the South and West portion of the house. They should not be too close to the building as they block sunlight and roots of the tree can damage foundation. The roots of big trees absorb sunlight and do not allow them to reach the house.

Small trees can be planted in the East and North side. But no tree should be planted in North-east corner.

Thorny plants should not be planted in the house as these plants except rose can have negative energy.

The creepers should be planted near entrance door. It should not be raised on compound wall of the building. It is good to plant creeper in garden.

Creepers on the exterior of a home

Avoid milky trees in the house as it may affect the health of family members.

Flowering plants should be placed in the South-west portion of the house. Jasmine, Rose, Marigold, Champak, Mogra and Prijat are good around the house as it gives positive energy.

Money plant should also be planted inside the house as it brings good luck to the house.

 No big tree should be planted in the centre of the house.  
A rock garden should be in southwest portion of the house, not in the northeast portion of the house.

Vastu and Brahmasthan

Brahmasthan is a unique feature of ancient architecture based on Vastu Shastra. It is central, holiest and powerful zone of the house. All directions meet at the center of the house and disperse positive energy in all directions. This positive energy is very useful for living beings of the occupants of the house. Brahmasthan is also important place for factories and industries. The central place is identified by painting ceiling with a different color.  
If people want to enjoy riches, harmony and happiness, Brahmasthan should be left open and is free of obstructing objects. In ancient time, it was common to construct a courtyard at the centre of house which was open to sky and to the rooms around courtyard.

Identification of Brahmasthan

Divide the plot into 8 equal parts from East to West and North to South. Now the plot is divided into 64 equal parts. The four squares at the center of plot are the place of Brahmasthan.

Tips for Brahmasthan

Main hall, Pooja Room or Courtyard can be constructed at the centre of the house

Toilets and Bathroom should not be built at the centre of the house.

Kitchen at the center may have adverse effect on health.

Generally, in duplex houses staircases are built at center of house. It may affect mental and financial growth of the residents.

The pillar having a load of structure makes the centre heavy that’s a big Vastu defect.

Sleeping at the centre place will mess up the life.

There should not be a beam at the center of house.

Beams, arches, store room etc. should not be constructed at Brahmsthana.

Vastu Tips for Happy Married Life

Vastu leads to a happy married life which every couple dream of. Life becomes joyful and peaceful if your life partner is compatible with you. Vastu defects may cause non compatibility with life partner. Everybody wants to live a successful and peaceful life. You also want to live a life which is enjoyable and happy, but you do not know why you become sad when you come to your house. You may feel that you are quite happy when you are far away from your house, you can feel some mood swings when you enter in your house. From a vastu perspective, if your home is not in proper balance, it may cause sadness, problem in relationships etc.

Like nature all five elements (earth, water, fire, air and space) are in balance. Your home can also be balanced there is a need to know the importance of structure that can benefit you. Balance the five elements in your home because each of the five elements is associated with each direction.

Northeast of your house is associated with water element. Open space in northeast of house is good for relationship and finances. Having water element in this direction without touching the diagonal axis is good for finances. If your financial condition is good, it has a positive effect on your relationship. An under ground water tank is good in this direction even though over head water tank is also water element, but if it is in northeast direction that can be stressful for you. Pooja room in northeast quadrant is also good. Bedroom in northeast may be the reason of lot of tension. Toilet, kitchen, store room and a missing northeast corner can cause stagnation in relationship.

The southeast of your house is associated with fire element. Kitchen, electrical equipments are placed in southeast of house are good for lively relationship. Avoid water elements in southeast as fire and water cannot live with each other. If there is cut southeast corner, your relationship can also be suffered. Master bedroom in southeast can cause quarrel in family.

The northwest of your house is associated with air element. If there is a cut corner in northwest or less open space in northwest, it may cause lack of communication between family members. Communication is the base of any relationship so it can affect your relationship with spouse. There can be mental instability due to blocked northwest. Toilet and guest room are recommended in this direction this may lead to proper communication which helps in stability of relationship.

The southwest area of your house is associated with earth element. Southwest master bedroom is helpful in stability of relationship. An extended southwest or cut corner in southwest can cause conflicts in relationship. A store room in southwest is a good option. Toilet, kitchen and under ground water tank are not recommended in southwest, it may affect a relationship.

Center of House (Brahmasthan) is associated with space element. A cluttered center of house or no open space in that part of house can cause poor communication in relationship. Toilet, kitchen and under ground water tank in the center of house may cause disagreement.

Vastu tips for happy Married Life


Keep bedroom in the south-west of the house.

Avoid bedroom in south-east as this is a fire place. It may lead to the clashes between the couple.

Place bed in the southwest portion of the bedroom. Avoid placing bed in northern and eastern zone of the bedroom. It may cause mental stress and financial instability.

Keep head-side of the bed in south direction.

Use wooden bed instead of metal bed.

Always build square or rectangle bedrooms which bring peace and love in life.

Paint walls in light colors like green, light blue, rose pink. Avoid red color in bedroom.
Place kitchen appliances/objects like gas and sink that represents fire and water respectively properly. You should place gas in South-east and water in North-east or North.

Keep money in northern or eastern area of the house as it is an important part of the life.


Do not use Northeast bedroom in case you are newly wed couple.

Never place the bed under a beam. It may cause bad effects on health.

Avoid mirror in married couple’s bedroom. It may lead to quarrels between the couple.

Avoid Computer and T.V in bedroom as they will reflect like a mirror. If you place T.V and Computer in bedroom, cover them with a cloth while sleeping in the night.

Ensure that the under ground water tank is not in the south-west direction.

Avoid paintings that symbolize death, violence and negative aspects of life.
Vastu Tips for Office

Vastu principles are practical for all buildings whether it is a home, factory, temple or even an office. Office is mainly built to generate financial growth of business. Vastu suggests some rules in building offices that prove to be very functional for economic growth of the organization.

Vastu principles are applied keeping in mind various energy fields originating from different directions. First of all a site should be selected, which is free from any Vastu defect. After selection of the site, the layout of office should be planned by following these Vastu norms.

Construction of Office

The plot of office should be rectangular or square. Heavy structure should be built in the South and the West as these are negative zones. More open space should be in the East or north direction. The slope of floor should be towards East, North or Northeast. The height of building should be equal in all sides. Water bodies should be built in northeast or eastern zone. Water sump is good in the North or East. But overhead tank in northeast is a big Vastu defect. So, the tank should be built in southwest direction. Staircase should be built in southern or western part of the office. Staircase in the center of office is not good. Toilets can be built in the west or northwest. Northeast and southwest directions should not be used for toilet. Office should not be built near temple, grave yard or hospital.

Interior of Office

Design reception in northeast of office and receptionist should sit facing the North or East.

Waiting room can be in northeast or northwest direction of the building. But northeast corner should be left for temple and flowers can be placed in northeast direction. The office of Chairman or General Manager should be built in southwest or south direction of the building. He should sit in southwest direction facing north. His desk should be rectangular. Employees should sit facing the North or East. Employees should not sit under beam. If any other alternative is not possible, the loft of beam can be covered with wooden board.

Place heavy almirah or safe in the southwest in which important documents are stored. Pantry of office should be built in southeast of the building as southeast direction is a place for fire. The center of office should not have any heavy structure. Paint office in light colors. Avoid dark colors as they make us short tempered. Doors and windows of office should be in the north and east direction. Don’t use paintings depicting sadness in the office. These painting may affect harmony among office staff.
